a woman in a dental chair during a dental appointment

If you have teeth that are severely decayed, damaged or missing, let you may hear your dentist recommended a dental crown. Modern dentistry offers top quality materials, state-of-the-art equipment and advanced imaging to ensure dental crowns are fabricating with the highest level of customization and aesthetics. Dental crowns have been used for decades and remain a top choice for long-lasting dental restorations.

Dental crowns are used to restore both the function and aesthetics of damaged or missing teeth. At Dream Dentist, we love helping patients regain the confident smile they deserve at any stage of life. We can rebuild your smile to look, function and feel like it naturally should.

What is a Cosmetic Dental Crown?

A dental crown (or “cap”) is a procedure used to restore or repair a tooth that has lost over 50% of its natural structure due to a cavity or due to fracture. The remaining tooth structure is covered entirely by the crown. Patient can choose cosmetic tooth colored crowns made of a variety of different materials, including ceramic, zirconia or porcelain. Each crown can be tailored in shape, size and color to match your existing teeth. The idea is for your dental crown to be indistinguishable from your real teeth.

The Versatility of Dental Crowns

There is more than one way to use a crown. In fact, these restorations are quite versatile. Cosmetic crowns can be used to address a variety of dental concerns, including the following:

  • To strengthen a tooth after significant trauma or severe decay
  • To restore moderate to severe fractures
  • As a dental implant restoration
  • Following a root canal treatment
  • To correct discolored, misshapen or gapped teeth

Whether you need an unsightly tooth restored with a beautiful cosmetic crown or you need to replace a missing tooth with a dental implant and crown, you can trust Dream Dentist to provide an efficient and stress-free process. To learn more about your dental crown procedure, please call our office or schedule your consult in O’Fallon.

Posted on behalf of Dream Dentist

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