Young woman undergoing dental checkup.

Are you expecting?

In addition to welcoming a new member to your family, you can also expect a couple changes to your gum health. Family dentist Dr. Sarah Thompson is eager to help you adjust to the transition and understand the facts.

What Is Pregnancy Gingivitis?

For many moms-to-be, swollen, sensitive, and bleeding gums are just part of the package. Like many other parts of their body, their gums experience change as a result of hormonal bombardment. The slightest bit of plaque can trigger raging inflammation.

Have you noticed your gums becoming more sensitive? This isn’t something you can afford to casually brush off. Pregnant moms need to be especially concerned with their gum health.

Why You Can’t Ignore Pregnancy Gingivitis

What starts off as minor gum inflammation can escalate into full-scale periodontal disease. Research shows a serious connection between pregnant women with gum disease and babies born prematurely.

Your gums may be most sensitive during your second trimester of pregnancy. Their immune defenses will be compromised, leaving them open to developing periodontal disease. This makes pregnancy a time when your gums need extra special care.

Keep your gums (and mouth in general) healthy by:

  • Seeing your dentist once or twice during pregnancy to monitor your oral health
  • Rinsing regularly with anti-bacterial mouthwash
  • Brushing and flossing daily
  • Eating a nutritious and balanced diet to promote overall health of mom and baby

Soon after your baby arrives, your gums should be back to normal. The Dream Dentist team in O’Fallon wishes you a safe and healthy pregnancy! Contact us for a gum health evaluation and to get tips on practicing good oral hygiene.

Posted on behalf of Dream Dentist

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