Dental Veneers

Let’s face it; very few of us were born with a perfect smile. If you are an adult who never wore braces or your smile is simply showing the effects of aging, porcelain veneers may be your answer for an instant smile makeover. Many dental practices, such as Dream Dentist, offer veneers and other cosmetic services to help patients achieve an improved smile appearance. After all, a whopping 99.7% of adults say that an attractive smile is an important personal asset. So go ahead and allow yourself to consider what porcelain veneers could do for your smile.

Veneers require the unique blend of artistry and dentistry to achieve the most successful, yet natural, results. Each veneer is an extremely thin porcelain shell that is carefully laminated onto the front surface of your teeth. Your veneers will be custom made to meet your ideal goals in size, shape and color.

The list of ways that veneers can enhance your smile is expansive. Patients may consider veneers for teeth that are:

  • Stained, discolored
  • Chipped
  • Gapped
  • Too long or too short
  • Misshapen

Although porcelain veneers are an effective and instant solution for most aesthetic concerns, they are not designed to restore teeth that are decayed, severely broken or widely gapped. In such cases, you may need a crown or dental implants to properly address your concerns.

If you want more than teeth whitening yet you want to avoid time in braces, ask Dr. Thompson about our options in veneers. We can create the smile of your dreams without surgery or orthodontics.

Posted on behalf of Dream Dentist

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