Why You Should Never Ignore A Dry Mouth

While it may not sound like a big deal, a dry mouth can not only be extremely uncomfortable to deal with, but it can also pose a serious threat to your smile health. Adequate levels of saliva are needed to help you chew your food, swallow and even speak. However, your saliva also plays a…

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Eating and Drinking for Your Smile: Why pH Matters

When it comes to maintaining healthy teeth and gums, you probably know that you should brush and floss daily as well as see your dentist every six months. However, there are other driving factors that can make or break your oral health. If you really want to protect your pearly whites and avoid dental damage…

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4 Critical Steps to Prevent Gum Disease

If you are like most people, when you consider your oral health, you only think of your teeth. However, your gums play critical roles towards your smile’s foundation as well as your overall health. Is gum disease on your radar? It should be. Nearly half of American adults have gum disease, and an estimated 80%…

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Is Your Drink Ruining Your Teeth?

We often consider how eating candy and sugary foods can impact the health of our teeth. But did you know that what you drink can be just as harmful? In fact, some of the beverages that can wreak havoc on your dental health may surprise you. While it may be quenching your thirst or satisfying…

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Orthodontics for Today’s Teen

Few people will argue the fact that adolescence is a turbulent stage of life. With surging hormones and an awkwardly growing physique, the last thing most teens want is a mouth full of metal braces. If your teenager needs orthodontics but is especially hesitant (or defiant) about wearing traditional metal braces, we invite you to…

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The Benefits of Professional Teeth Whitening

If you want to whiten your teeth, you won’t have to look hard to find options. Teeth whitening is one of the most sought-after services in cosmetic dentistry. However, it is also one that has plenty of over-the-counter options available. While these DIY teeth whitening methods are attractive in terms of upfront cost, you are…

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Why Replace Missing Teeth?

Unlike baby teeth, losing an adult tooth is not a welcome or celebrated experience. There is no Tooth Fairy visit when a permanent tooth is lost. More importantly, there is no replacement tooth waiting to grow back in its place. This can create some problems – including those that go beyond the aesthetic concerns of…

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The Dangers of Sleeping in Your Dentures

You wear your removable dentures throughout the entire day, what’s the harm in just leaving them in while you sleep? The truth is, your mouth needs a break from your prosthetic teeth and your nighttime sleep is the perfect chance to give that. Whether you have partial or full dentures, removing your dentures for at…

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When is the Right Time to Remove Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth removal is a familiar procedure. In fact, it is so common that many people consider wisdom teeth extraction as a type of ‘right of passage’ into adulthood. This is due to the fact that this procedure is often performed around the age of 15-25. However, every mouth is different. You can’t always rely…

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Signs You May Need Root Canal Therapy

Are you avoiding the dentist because you are afraid you’ll need a root canal? You may want to reconsider. Not only are you setting yourself up for worsening pain, but you may lose your tooth if it’s badly infected. Root canal therapy is one of the most effective and time-tested procedures in dentistry. Not only…

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