Smiling satisfied woman sitting in a dental chair after tooth treatment and showing her thumb up.

Wisdom teeth are tricky! They can cause some major problems including pain and infection if they aren’t well taken care of. Our Dream Dentist team in O’Fallon recommends getting them out before they create an issue. A simple exam and x-ray can let you know whether or not they will be.

When Are Wisdom Teeth a Problem?

Not everyone gets their wisdom teeth, but those who do may not have enough space for them in their mouth. If the wisdom teeth aren’t impacted below the gum line, they can erupt unevenly and crowd the teeth ahead of them.

Crowded teeth often become problems because they are:

  • Harder to clean
  • At higher risk for cavities
  • Prone to experiencing uneven bite pressure
  • Susceptible to gum recession and inflammation

Even if wisdom teeth come in straight, they may be harder to clean because of how far back they are. If a wisdom tooth suffers from decay or gum disease, the infection can spread forward to affect other teeth.

Earlier Removal, Easier Recovery!

It’s usually good to have wisdom teeth removed when a person is in their teens or early twenties. Recovery is much faster in younger bodies! Recovery is also easier when you proactively remove your wisdom teeth before there’s a problem. Plan to have them all out at once rather than treat them one-by-one as they create irritation. This way, treatment is less complicated and more efficient.

Comfortable Wisdom Tooth Extractions in O’Fallon

Our Dream Dentist is prepared to make your treatment as comfortable as possible. You have the choice of IV sedation or oral sedation to help you sleep through the extraction process. Patient comfort is our priority! Give us a call to find out more and schedule an evaluation of your wisdom teeth.

Posted on behalf of Dream Dentist

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