A dentist discussing the treatment with a young woman sitting in a dental chair.

Like other folks in O’Fallon, you may worry about how much a particular dental procedure will hurt.

The good news is that getting a dental crown doesn’t have to hurt at all.

What Getting a Crown Feels Like

Your tooth has to be trimmed down to fit under the cap. But your tooth will be completely numb before any reshaping happens. After prepping the tooth, a mold is taken to design the custom crown. You’ll go home with a temporary one and return within a week or two to receive the finished restoration.

All of this doesn’t feel much different from getting a regular filling.

It may take a few days for your tooth to get used to having its new covering. But in a short while, your crown will feel like a natural part of your smile.

Doze Through Crown Placement

Dental sedation can help you get through any procedure. Although getting a crown is not painful by any means, you may still need a little help relaxing while your teeth are being worked on. Sedation in the form of laughing gas, IV drip, or an oral medication can put your mind at ease.

Easy on the Eyes

When it comes to aesthetics, you can be sure that your smile’s appearance won’t be harmed in any way. Dr. Sarah Thompson uses only gentle and beautiful porcelain to create a natural-looking finish. No fears that a glaring metal tooth will hurt your pride!

The Best Cosmetic Dentist in O’Fallon and Beyond

Whether you need a crown for cosmetic or restorative purposes, you won’t find anyone better for the job than Dr. Thompson. Contact Dream Dentist today to schedule a visit.

Posted on behalf of Dream Dentist

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