relaxed woman under sedation before dental procedure

It’s a sad fact of being a dentist or dental professional: no one really wants to come see you at your job! We’re either cleaning teeth and explaining how to better care for them — which you already know — or we’re working on restoring teeth by cleaning out decay or removing stubborn calculus deposits beneath the gum line.

Even people who have great, healthy teeth are often glad to have their appointment over with…but anxious patients are an entirely different ball game!

Fear of the Dentist

People who are afraid to come to the dentist are usually the ones we need to see the most. They tend to put off their cleanings and treatments and attempt to brush well enough to not have to come in.

When we do finally get to see them in the chair, they are tense and stiff. Opening your mouth widely is difficult when you’re tense. Holding still gets to be terribly uncomfortable because the muscles are rigid. As dental professionals, we badly want to help these patients have better health and care, but it’s hard to get past the anxiety.

Sedation Offers A Better Way To Get Your Teeth Cleaned!

At Dream Dentist, helping our anxious patients is one of our top priorities. We create a calm, comforting atmosphere in our treatment rooms, and we offer different levels of sedation:

  • Nitrous Oxide
  • IV Sedation
  • Oral Sedation

Oral Sedation is the most useful for anxious patients, allowing them to “sleep” through their appointment. If you have questions about dental sedation, contact our O’Fallon office and schedule an appointment!

Posted on behalf of Dream Dentist

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