a dental model and a dentist's mirror by a dental machine

If you are like most people, when you consider your oral health, you only think of your teeth. However, your gums play critical roles towards your smile’s foundation as well as your overall health. Is gum disease on your radar? It should be. Nearly half of American adults have gum disease, and an estimated 80% will face this condition sometime during their lifetime.

The trouble with gum disease is that the risks and consequences don’t always stay in your mouth. Beyond puffy, red or receding gums, untreated gum disease can lead to complications throughout your body, like stroke, heart disease and premature birth.

Gingivitis is the first stage of gum disease, and it causes swollen painful gums. From there, gingivitis progresses to periodontal disease, and the infection can spread into teeth and bone. Fortunately, gum disease is preventable. At Dream Dentist, we want every patient to understand these simple and most effective ways to prevent periodontal disease:

  1. Quit smoking

We know it is hard habit to break, but smoking cigarettes is one of the worst culprits to gum disease. Not only does nicotine weaken your immune system and make it harder to fight off oral bacteria and infection, but it can also reduce blood flow to your gums and mask the symptoms of early gum disease.

  1. Brush and floss regularly

There’s no substitute for routine brushing and flossing. It’s simply the best way to remove the bacteria and plaque that cause periodontal disease. You need to be doing both on a regular basis. Just because your teeth feel clean, doesn’t mean your gums are.

  1. Eat healthily

Yes, there is such a thing as eating for your dental health. In fact, there are certain foods that specifically benefit your gums and reduce inflammation. Gum disease is associated with low levels of vitamin C, so consider eating more strawberries, oranges and other citrus fruits that will help support your gum lining.

  1. Get regular cleanings

No matter how much you brush or floss, you won’t be able to get everything all the time, especially when plaque has hardened into tartar. Dental visits every six months will also give your dentist a chance to detect early signs of gum disease, so that you can reverse the condition more quickly and conservatively.

Will you give your gums some attention in 2022? Schedule your next dental cleaning at Dream Dentist in O’Fallon today.

Posted on behalf of Dream Dentist

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